Those opposed to the traditional family structure like to make some absurd claims about it, but none as absurd as calling it patriarchal and fascist.
People on the political left like to make this claim that the traditional family structure, with a husband and wife at the forefront, who keep a vibrant and healthy and supportive relationship with each other, is something that represents fascism and the patriarchy, and if you support that structure, you’re supporting those two things.
They’re so outrageous in these claims that they’ll come up with quotes that allegedly show that the fascists in the past, including the Nazis in Germany, and the fascist regime in Italy, were pro-traditional-family, and patriarchal to boot, so if you support the traditional family, then you’re standing against human progress; you’re standing with oppression and inequality.
According to them, an open and free society, one that cares about its citizens, including women and blacks, will oppose the traditional family structure because, in their minds, it’s outdated, archaic, old-fashioned, and oppressive, especially to women and blacks – at least that’s what the political left likes to tell us. It explains why the Black Lives Matter movement, on a now-discontinued page on their official website that explains what they stand for, vilifies the traditional family structure, seeking to disrupt it, whatever that means.
To attack the traditional family, the political left like to use terms such as “patriarchal family” for the traditional family. They’ll say things like: “The patriarchal family is one ideal that fascist politicians intend to create in society — or return to, as they claim. The patriarchal family is always represented as a central part of the nation’s traditions, diminished, even recently, by the advent of liberalism and cosmopolitanism. The patriarchy is so strategically central to fascist politics“
As for quotes from the past, here’s an example for you: Gregor Strasser, the propaganda chief of the Nazi party in Germany before Joseph Goebbels took over, made the statement: “…for a man, military service is the most profound and valuable form of participation — for the woman it is motherhood!” They’ll use statements like this to attack the family.
Here’s another example for you: the Nazi’s Association of German Women, declared that “to be a woman means to be a mother, means affirming with the whole conscious force of one’s soul the value of being a mother and making it a law of life…the highest calling of the National Socialist woman is not just to bear children, but consciously and out of total devotion to her role and duty as mother to raise children for her people.”
As you can see, quotes like these are meant to cause an alarmist reaction in people, especially women, who they hope will vilify this social structure because they now think it’s bad for society, and anti-woman.
To the political left, supporting the traditional family is supporting the same ideology as fascists did in the past. But I disagree. Strongly. In fact, I will go so far as to say that opposition to the traditional family is itself anti-woman, anti-black, and anti-minority, and that it is those of you who oppose the traditional nuclear family, and work to destroy it, not me, that are pushing for the progress and culmination of a fascist state. If you believe we need to stand with women, minorities, and blacks, and work towards their best interests, then it would be in your best interest to continue reading this article. I will explain these facets throughout the course of this article, and hopefully open your eyes.
Is the Traditional Nuclear Family Structure Really Patriarchal and Fascist?
When the political left pushes this “traditional family is fascism” rhetoric, it is false. Nothing, absolutely nothing, could be further from the truth. In fact, this is one of the most outlandish lies in the political left’s playbook. It’s really a form of gaslighting. If you don’t take heed, and just let them manipulate you like they’re doing, without thinking for yourself, it will lead to a level of oppression, and destruction, in our society that is so profound that the fascists of yesteryear, with all of the unlimited powers they accumulated for themselves, would be envious of.
With this in mind, I’m going to give you several arguments for why the traditional family structure is good for us, works towards our advantage and not against it, and why it’s good for minorities, blacks, and women. Because these arguments are in many cases quite long, I will be giving a summary of these arguments, and then giving you a link where you can read more on that particular subject. Make sure you take the time to read ALL of the articles that are being linked, especially if you want to be an informed person, and want to know what you’re talking about. With this in mind, let’s begin.
Argument for the Traditional Family from Nature
This argument makes the observation that the family unit can be seen all around us in nature, and that all species that have that structure, including human beings, probably evolved into having that structure because it maximizes the survival and well-being of whatever species utilize that structural format. From this standpoint, our ancient ancestors would have, like other species, evolved to have this structural format, with a coupling between a man and a woman at its core, and that format was passed down from generation to generation until it became common law, and then from there, when we developed our modern legal system, that marriage structure, the core of the traditional family, became a legal contract.
I go into more detail about this argument in the article: “Argument in Support of the Traditional Family from Nature“
The Argument for Different Roles in the Traditional Family From it Being an Institution
This argument makes the case that the family unit is a type of institution that is good for society, and that, like other institutions, its members need to have different roles to maximize the usability and functionality of that institution. The idea of different members in the family unit having different roles does not mean that the different members are unequal to each other, but only that each person use their strengths and abilities for the good of the whole.
You can read more about this argument in the article: “The Argument for Different Roles in the Family From it Being an Institution“
The Argument About Different People in the Traditional Family Having Different Roles Based on the Reality of Human Uniqueness
This argument basically states that to expect different members of the family to have the exact same roles as each other, just for the sake of trying to make sure that the two adult members are looked at and treated as equal, that by doing that, you’re actually taking away the uniqueness and humanity of each of the adult individuals, and thus are hindering them from thriving, and from maximizing their unique abilities for the well-being of the family.
You’ll find more detail about this argument in the article: “The Argument About Different People in the Traditional Family Having Different Roles Based on the Reality of Human Uniqueness“
The Argument for the Nuclear Family Improving One’s Level of Advantage
Those people on the left, who look at the traditional family structure and vilify it, claiming that it is an outdated institution, and patriarchal and fascist, have absolutely no idea what they’re talking about. They clearly haven’t looked at the facts, because if they did, they would clearly realize that the lack of a traditional family structure is what causes young people, especially in the black community, to be underprivileged and disadvantaged.
It’s dissolution does more to harm our society and civilization than almost anything else. Youth and adults from an intact family are far better off, are more enabled and advantaged, are much less likely to become criminals, and more likely to achieve upward economic mobility and be prosperous, when they come from intact traditional family structures, and this is just the tip of the iceberg.
There is a massive amount of evidence to support the traditional nuclear family structure, and its benefits to society. You can read all about these facts, these data points, in the article “The Argument for the Nuclear Family Improving One’s Level of Advantage.” I want you to read this article, and understand all of these data points, because this information will help you to understand the next few sections.
The Role of Social Welfare Programs in Destroying the Traditional Family
Now that we’ve talked about how the traditional family structure gives someone an advantage over someone who doesn’t come from that type of household structure, now it’s time to talk about our social welfare programs, and how they’ve played a giant role in helping to destroy our families, and by doing so, have been instrumental in making young people disadvantaged and underprivileged.
When our present social welfare system was created back in the 1960’s, it was originally devised and imagined as a good thing that helped people in need, including single mothers, and was touted as being part of a “war on poverty.” Think about the implications of what those two things mean. Helping people who are in a place in their lives in which they truly need help, if done right, helps them get back on their feet, and puts them on their way with a “go get ’em” attitude – it shouldn’t work to keep people in poverty. And a “war on poverty” denotes that they think poverty, being poor, is a bad thing, so they’re going to work against it and fight it – it denotes that they’re going to work to reduce, and possibly even eliminate, poverty in our country.
Do our social welfare programs truly help those in a place of need get back on their feet? Do they help to reduce or eliminate poverty in our country? The answer, if you lean politically to the left, may surprise you. And you really need to pay attention if you are from a minority group – particularly those of you who are African Americans.
To continue reading, read the article “The Role of Social Welfare Programs in Destroying the Traditional Family.”
How Social Welfare Works to Destroy the Black Family
Poverty rates basically flatlined after the initiation of our social welfare programs back in the 1960’s, but no one was hit worse than those in the black community, where the poverty rate increased. Now why was this? It was like the politicians that were pushing these programs on all Americans as an “entitlement” and a “basic human right” liked to especially market these programs the most to the blacks.
They would say things like, “For so long the black community has been treated as second-class citizens, and has struggled with poverty more than anyone else in our country. We designed these programs to help those in poverty, but they were most importantly designed for you, the poor black person. You, black people, are especially entitled to these programs, in fact, it’s a basic human right. You’ve waited for so long to have racial justice happen, and now here it is.”
Politicians were using the truths that blacks were treated like second-class citizens, and were poorer than others, and using those truths to manipulate the black community into supporting a scheme that, if we’re to continue being honest, hurts the black community by keeping them poor. Actually, the whole scam perpetrated on the black community by the political left gets way worse than that.
To continue reading, read the article “How Social Welfare Works to Destroy the Black Family.”
How the Traditional Family Structure is Beneficial to Women
The modern feminist movement has been fixated on overturning what they claim is the “oppressive ideal of the nuclear family.” Many feminists are convinced that the traditional nuclear family structure is one of the main arenas of male privilege. They look at the single mother as the epitome of the “strong independent woman.”
This, of course, is one of the reasons why the political left attacked Moynihan’s report on the state of the black family so vehemently back in the 1960’s, because, among other things, they looked at his argument in support of bettering the black family as sexist, male chauvinist, and anti-woman, and so they would have nothing to do with it. They thought that the single black woman was “superior in her ability to function in a healthy way in our society.” They even looked at the fact that single mothers were usually poor as “proof of patriarchal oppression.”
The nuclear family, to them, was an effort to deny women their independence and sexuality. All of this is so deeply, deeply incorrect, as you will soon see. So, it makes sense, based on this deeply incorrect analysis, for them to think of the traditional nuclear family as “patriarchal” and “fascist.”
If you think the traditional family is anti-woman, I’m going to give you several reasons why it’s not. If you are in opposition to the traditional nuclear family structure, you are supporting a scheme that, in reality, hurts women, their well-being, and their ability to thrive and prosper and succeed at whatever their personal endeavors are. In fact, I would go so far as to say that it’s those of you who oppose the traditional nuclear family, not me, not people on the political right, that are being anti-woman.
To continue reading about this subject, please read “How the Traditional Family Structure is Beneficial to Women“
So, Is the Traditional Nuclear Family Really Fascist?
Remember that at the beginning of this article, I told you that many on the political left have made the claim that the traditional intact nuclear two-adult family structure is “patriarchal” and “fascist.”
They use historical quotes by fascist regimes in the past that seem to support the traditional family structure, and then say, “See? Fascists supported this kind of structure, so it must be patriarchal and fascist!” Jason Stanley has it within his “ten pillars of fascism,” under the pillar described as “mythic past,” claiming that the desire to go back to the traditional family was what the fascists wanted as part of their “mythic past,” and that if you support the traditional family structure, then you must be fascist too.
Now let’s connect the dots. A couple of years ago, Madeline Albright was interviewed about her new book on fascism, and she made the statement that, “…fascism is not an ideology; it’s a process for taking and holding power.” This statement is partly correct, partly incorrect. Fascism is, in fact, an ideology, a system of government, a type of socioeconomic system, where the government has complete control over everybody and everything, individuals, households, communities, businesses and industries, and the economy and society as a whole. And if the ultimate goal of that ideology is complete control, then they will use every imaginative process that they can think of for taking and holding power, until they’ve accomplished their ultimate goal of complete control.
This is where the traditional family structure comes into the picture.
So, what the political left appears to be doing is trying to erode, weaken, and destroy the traditional family structure in our country. They have so many arguments up their sleeves to try to attack the family – that it’s racist, sexist, opressive, patriarchal, and fascist – despite the fact that all the evidence shows that supporting the family structure is in the best interests of blacks, minorities, and women, everyone else for that matter, and opposing the family structure works against those groups’ best interest. Lack of a traditional family structure is what makes youth, especially in the black community, underprivileged and disadvantaged, not their race. So why would they attack it?
The answer lies in the end result. You see, as long as people come from intact families, they can rely on their families for many of the things that keep them from needing government help and services. If the left can erode and decimate and destroy the family, people will be forced to get those things from the government that they formerly got from their families. And when people become more reliant and dependent on the government, the government can then have more control over them.
It appears that the erosion of the family that’s being perpetrated by the political left is just another one of many processes that they’re using to take and hold more power. They’re just working towards their ultimate goal of the state having complete power and control over everybody and everything – the exact same goal that fascist regimes in the past had. The destruction of the family is just another tool in their arsenal to gain more power and control over us.
In other words, it’s the political left, not the political right, that are working to increase the size of our government, and the control and power it has over our lives. It’s the left that’s moving us towards fascism, not the right. And destroying the family structure is one of their means for doing so.
You should also note that there is another strategy being used in many leftist countries that is, in reality, no less fascist, and that is to take away parents’ rights, and turn around and give those rights to the state, who are then deemed the final authority and power over children, including how to raise them, what kind of discipline measures are used, and what values they are allowed to teach their own children. In these fascist-like states, you, as a parent, no longer have the freedom to instill your own family’s values and heritage to your children; the state has complete control over your family, how you do things in your home, and what values you teach your children. And since the ultimate goal of fascism is to have complete control over everybody and everything, having complete control over your family is part of the array of complete controls over society that is within the ideology of fascism.
From this standpoint, Norway, because of its human rights abuses of ripping families apart for statist reasons, is the closest thing we have right now to a fascist state in the western world. Not the United States. Wake up Norway!
So, if you really are trying to stop the spread of fascism, shouldn’t you be standing with the political right, and opposing the malicious and cunning schemes of the left, who are trying to erode our freedoms and liberties, including by destroying the traditional family?