When it comes to ending racism, one of the biggest problems we face isn’t actual racism, but the perception of it. And this perception is being pushed by the political left who uses it to manipulate people of color. Racism does still exist, but it hides under an enormous cloak of perceived racism, which hinders the racism that remains from being exposed and eradicated. The “racism is everywhere” narrative needs to be destroyed in order to destroy the last vestiges of racism left in society.
It seems to me that we are all agreed that the best future for the United States is one where we all look at each other as our equals, where we treat each other equally, where we are equally capable of accomplishing our goals in life, and where there’s no discrimination anywhere based on race, ethnicity, or skin color. It’s one where people don’t fear for their safety because of their race.
Now, if these are part of our ultimate goals in society, why are we still so heavily divided when it comes to race and ethnicity? We keep hearing this narrative that “Racism is just as bad as it’s ever been. If you’re black, or another person of color, you better watch out, because every white person, and their grandpa, is still out to get you. If you’re not careful, you’ll get lynched.” It seems that we, as a nation, are still battling the same old battles with racism that we were battling decades ago, and even a century ago. So, why haven’t things changed? Or have they?
To answer these questions, we need to go back to the Civil Rights Movement of the 1950’s and 1960’s, and find out exactly what they were fighting for, and what their ultimate goals were. To do this, the best places to look are Dr. King’s Dream speech and his Letter From a Birmingham Jail. If you’ve never listened to this speech, or read this letter, and the story behind it, I would encourage you to do so – both are important in understanding the plight of people of color, what they were fighting for, and what their ultimate goals were.
So, if we listen to this speech, and read this letter, we can extract a number of goals the black community was striving for. We can see what they really wanted.
Here are some of the goals that I extracted:
• That all people are created and treated as equals, including equality under the law.
• People are judged, not based on the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.
• That mistreatment and exploitation of blacks, and discrimination, would cease.
• Get rid of unjust laws that treated blacks differently than white people, such as voting laws, and the infamous Black Codes so prevalent in the south.
• That black and white people can interact with each other in a way that everyone is treated the same, that is courteously, respectfully, and as someone with inherent value.
With these goals in mind, let’s look at some research to see how well we are doing as a nation in terms of accomplishing these goals.
A researcher named Brian Boutwell, and his team of academics, asked 14,000 Americans how often they had been the subject of discrimination, and why. Most of the subjects reported experiencing little to no discrimination in their lifetimes. Of the black Americans who were questioned, only 31%, a little less than one-third, claimed they had experienced discrimination “sometimes” or “often.” And most of those people didn’t blame their discrimination on race, but on other things, such as their personal appearance (sagging pants maybe?), their education, their age, or their political views.
Think about that white supremacist march a few years ago in Charlottesville, Virginia. Do you remember that? There were about 500 white supremacists from around the country that coalesced to form that march. They were vastly outnumbered by counter-demonstrators. Also, compare the small number of people that day to the millions of white supremacists that used to be part of the Ku Klux Klan three-quarters of a century ago or more. That should tell you something – racism is shrinking, continues to shrink, and is now at an all-time low.
Here’s another example: intermarriage. Opposition to intermarriage between two people of different races had declined dramatically. Only 9% of Americans today think interracial marriage is bad (according to Pew Research). Intermarriage rates have risen to an all-time high of more than 17%. In fact, I am one of those white people who is married to a person of color.
The black unemployment rate reached an all-time low in 2018-19, based on the present way in which we calculate unemployment, which began in the early 1970’s, and if we look at these numbers, it could be easily argued to prove that black people suffer from less economic disadvantages now than ever before. These low unemployment rares in the black community stayed low until the Covid-19 pandemic disrupted everything.
Even the most powerful and prominent job position in the entire country – the presidency – is not off limits to today’s black people. That should serve to show that there are literally no economic and social doors that cannot be opened by today’s black people.
For more than three decades now, surveys being carried out across our nation have noted and documented that there have been significant reductions in expressions of prejudice, in negative stereotyping, and in resistance to equality by white people.
The truth of the matter, if we take an honest look at all this evidence, is that society has moved forward…a lot. We’ve progressed so much that we can honestly say that racism by whites towards blacks, and other people of color, is just about dead – yes, there are still some trace remnants around, but they are few, and their numbers continue to get smaller by the year.
Now, if I was black, I would look at this, and it should put a big smile across my face. I should be jumping up and down for joy. I should know that I have more of a chance now to succeed, to accomplish my life goals, to thrive and prosper, and to have a better and freer life, than at any other time in American history. I mean, heck, even the most prominent and powerful job position in the country could be held by a black person, and it was. I should know that I have it better than any of my ancestors before me.
But this happiness and joy, and the freedom it brings, is not happening. Black people are being riled up, and have a level of paranoia that’s just about fever pitch these days. It’s driving a wedge between blacks and other people of color on one side, and those of us that are white on the other side. And it’s tearing us apart as a nation.
So, if racism is at an all-time low, who is pushing this false narrative that racism is alive and well and can be seen everywhere? Answer: the political left, the Democrats, the progressives – those that push critical race theory.
OK, so why are they pushing this narrative? Because the political left is heavily invested in what is called identity politics, and the politics of racism are a big aspect of identity politics. The political left needs the identity politics of racism to be front-and-center; they need this issue to stay alive, because they know that as long as minorities, people of color, especially the blacks, keep believing they see racism everywhere, they will keep voting for the Democrats, whom they’ve been voting for since the first half of the Great Depression (Don’t believe me? Keep reading.).
The left does not want us as a nation to move forward, and progress past racism, and other aspects of identity politics for that matter, because if we move past this issue, then people of color, especially the blacks, will start to look at other core issues that are important in their lives, and usually these other core issues revolve around family, money, employment, work, and economics. The reason the political left does not want people of color to think about these other things is because, let’s just admit it, they don’t want to lose some of their core voting constituency and lose their position of power they get from that core, so they need to keep up this narrative that “racism is alive and well and everywhere” in order for those people to keep voting for them.
Now that you know the why, now we ask about the how. How does the political left, especially those pushing critical race theory, continue to convince people of color that racism is everywhere? What tactics do they use to convince blacks of this non-truth? There are several tactics that they use. I want to share with you many of them, and dispel the myths behind them. So, let’s get started.
1. There is a giant disparity between the low percentage of whites living in poverty, about 10 percent, vs. the much higher percentage of blacks, about 27 percent. “This disparity, the big difference between black poor and white poor,” they say, “is proof that racism is still a really big issue in our country.“
At first glance, because this false narrative is based on true data, it appears to be a valid claim. That is, until you realized how we got these data points. And how did these numbers come about? It gets a little complicated, but bear with me as I try to explain.
Back in the 1960’s, our government initiated its “Great Society” social welfare programs. These programs were marketed as being a “war on poverty,” which would suggest, based on how it was marketed, that these programs would work to reduce, even eliminate, poverty in our country. But that is not what these social welfare programs did. In fact, they still don’t. In reality, a program that helps people get out of poverty would be one that teaches them the life skills, behaviors, disciplines, work ethic, and money-management skills that they need to head down the road to prosperity. What our social welfare programs do is quite the opposite – it incentivizes staying poor. And it incentivizes doing other things that are detrimental to society, especially those in the black community, but I will touch on that later. If you’re in the welfare community, and you seek to get out and get a “real job,” others in the welfare community look down on you with contempt, calling you a “chump.”
And there was another element added to all this. Although these social welfare programs were pushed on all Americans, they were pushed on the black community the most. The black community was taught that they should partake in these programs because it was a form of “racial justice.” Those pushing these programs, the Democrats, would say, “You’ve been treated terribly for so long, African Americans. We’ve created these programs just for you.” Because they were marketed to blacks the most, a higher percentage of blacks took advantage of these programs.
Now let’s add yet another element. Like I said, these programs didn’t help people go down the path towards prosperity, but they did the exact opposite. There was no motivation for people to leave the welfare doles, so people became chronically dependent on the state. And, over time, these people became afraid to leave the system, in much the same way many long-term incarcerated people become afraid when they know they are about to be released. And the number of people that became dependent increased over time.
This is where all of this gets really screwy. As long as people were dependent on the social welfare programs, the government would then come along and mark down these people in their statistical manuals as “poor” or “below the poverty line.” And since these programs were marketed more to the black community, where it gets more widespread acceptance than with anyone else, that “anyone else” especially meaning the white community, the percentage of blacks living “below the poverty line” in these government statistical manuals continued to increase, whereas white poverty rates, because these social welfare programs tended to be frowned upon in the white community, stayed the same, or went down.
In other words, the disparity in the high poverty rates of blacks vs. the low poverty rates of whites is primarily due to the percentages of each population group that became dependent on our welfare programs, and subsequently got written off as “poor” in government statistical manuals. People on the political left make the argument that poverty in the black community precedes dependence on government welfare – yes, that is true, but our social welfare programs have not made things better, but worse – they’ve exacerbated the problem – and as they’ve made things worse, these people continue to get written off as poor in our statistical manuals.
Now, I want to make some observations for you to see. Who created these social welfare programs? The political left. Who’s been pushing black people to become dependent on government welfare? The political left. And who’s pushing the false narrative that the disparity in black vs. white poverty is based on racism being rampant? The political left. And they then use this disparity to convince more blacks to “take advantage of these benefits,” which only continues to exacerbate this disparity rather than resolving it. Man! Talk about a sinister scheme if there ever was one! The level of the evil in this terrible scheme knows no bounds!
2. They invented the concept of “systemic racism,” which they say is rampant across all corners of our society. They try to prove this by listing all the disparities between blacks and whites, and claiming those disparities are all caused by, and based on, racism.
A perfect example of this is an article on Ben and Jerry’s website. Articles like this sound valid, right? They sound alarming. The only problem is that almost all the disparities listed in this article can be traced back to how our social welfare programs (as well as other leftist programs), created and pushed by the political left, have negatively effected the black community, and helped to destroy the black family, which I will explain to you in a moment.
So, how is the political left responsible for creating all the disparities that they then turn around and use as proof that racism is rampant? Once again, it’s a little complicated, so allow me once again to try to explain.
At the time these social welfare programs came into effect in the early 1960’s, during the presidency of Democratic President Lyndon B. Johnson, only about 3 percent of white households were single-parent households, whereas 23 percent of black households, at the time, were single parent households.
One of the main groups that these programs were meant to “help” were young, single, unmarried women who had a child. First, because these programs were in place, it did nothing to motivate young women to practice more self-control when it came to their sexual appetites; it did the exact opposite – it actually became an enabler that increased young women’s sexual activity, because they knew that if they got pregnant, and kept the baby, the government would pay them. And they knew that if they got pregnant again, and had another child, the government would pay them even more money. The rules stipulated that if they found a job, or became married to a man, particularly an employed man, they would lose their benefits. So, these single mothers stayed unemployed and unmarried to be able to keep taking advantage of their government welfare benefits.
Over time, because of these perverse incentives, the number of black households that were single-parent households increased dramatically. In the black community, like I already stated above, it was 23 percent in the early 1960’s; by the mid-1990’s, the time of the Clinton-era welfare reforms, that number had reached around 73 percent, and that number has remained mostly the same ever since then, because this way of living is now heavily embedded in black culture. In other words, the black community went from having three out of every four households be intact traditional nuclear two-adult families, to having three out of every four households that were single parent households, and almost always they were households with single mothers. In other words, our social welfare programs have been instrumental in destroying the black family.
Let’s add to this some data points. In the inner-city, children that come from single-parent households are 90 percent likely to have a criminal record when they become adults; children that come from intact two-adult families in the inner-city are only 10 percent likely. Children being raised in homes by single mothers, as opposed to being raised in a home with two adults, typically a father and mother in a healthy relationship, are more likely to abuse drugs, deal drugs, live in childhood poverty, and drop out of school. They are disadvantaged and underprivileged compared to their counterparts who are raised in traditional family environments. They are much less likely to have that upward economic mobility that characterizes traditional families. The types of households in which young African Americans are raised, being heavily influenced by the left’s social welfare programs, and their influence on household type, accounts for almost all of the disparities that the political left claims is proof of “systemic racism.” In fact, looking at these disparities based on type of household accounts for these differences far better than trying to account for these differences based on race.
To make a long story short, our government social welfare programs, which are being pushed on black people the most, are responsible for pushing the black community in a direction that has been totally catastrophic for them. All of the disparities that are listed by the political left as “structural racism” are, in reality, based on the effects our social welfare programs have had on the black community, and their household structures.
Once again now:
Who created and enacted our social welfare programs? The political left. And who’s pushing the “structural racism” narrative? Again, the political left. And who is it that claims to be “the cure” for all of this “structural racism” they say is rampant throughout our country? The political left. The left creates programs that cause problems, and then they turn around and claim to be the solution to all the problems they created. Once again, all of this sounds so seriously sinister and evil. I’m talking about destroying and subjugating, or keeping down, a group of people, in order to use them for political gain.
Now, if all the disparities listed in the Ben and Jerry’s article, and other similar articles, are truly examples of injustices and racism that are being perpetrated on the black community, and we can correctly blame the political left for creating the programs that magnified and exacerbated those disparities, and who still to this day push such programs, then wouldn’t that mean that it’s the political left, not right, that’s being racist, and is working to destroy the black community?
(If you don’t think any of this makes any sense, remember, it was the political left, the Democrats, who were the pro-slavery party before the American Civil War; it was they who tried to secede when an anti-slavery Republican was elected as president, leading to our Civil War; it was they who fought to try to keep slavery as an institution intact and, after losing that war, were responsible for segregation, Jim Crow laws and the infamous Black Codes. The Ku Klux Klan was historically the domestic terrorism arm of the Democratic party. So it only makes sense that it is now the same political party that is responsible for creating subversive government programs that are designed to keep blacks down, and destroy the black family in the process – what better way to to keep blacks in a perpetual state of inferiority while simultaneously getting blacks to support their own demise? Lyndon B. Johnson, a Democrat, who signed many of these social welfare programs into law back in the 1960’s said it best when he called these programs a type of “plantation politics,” thus comparing them to the slave plantations of old, which make sense given the fact that many pro-slavery Democrats, before our Civil War, claimed that the slave plantations were good for blacks – that they provided housing, food, medical care, work, and care in old age. Only problem is that the plantation wasn’t good for blacks – it wasn’t then, and it isn’t now.)
3. Another thing they do is to basically highlight some minute behavior white people do, or other trivial thing, pick it apart, and claim that it’s a form of racism, calling it things like microaggression. Then they tell black people to look around them and see how widespread these minute and trivial behaviors are in white people. Black people listen to this rhetoric, look around, and they think they see “racism” everywhere. The fact that it’s so widespread is proof, they say, that racism is everywhere.
But the problem is that these minute behaviors that they pick apart are not actually racist at all – they’re just routine cultural or social behaviors that have nothing to do with racism. Or other stupid things that they allocate “racism” to. They’re just allocating racism onto something that’s mundane and meaningless and has no connotations whatsoever to race, or hatred of a race.
In critical race theory, the idea is to take something in society where there isn’t a problem, and pick it apart and over-analyze until you find something that you can construe as having racism in it. In such a way, things that no black person before had any problem with can now be used to prove racism’s existence, and that it’s literally everywhere, in order to get members of the black community to freak out. This whole approach is refered to as problematizing, that is, creating a problem where previously there wasn’t one. The pseudo-science of discovering previously “hidden forms of racism that not even blacks knew about” is called problematics. Many of us white people look at this pseudo-science as nothing more than a form of gaslighting whose only goal is to rip society apart.
To give several examples: it’s now being pushed that going to a restaurant and giving a tip to your server is an act of racism (despite the fact that there are many black servers). Having an American flag is an act of racism (despite the fact that we, as a nation, fought a civil war to end slavery – between the anti-slavery Republicans that controlled the north vs. the pro-slavery Democrats who controlled the south). Merely loving your country and chanting “USA! USA!” is an act of racism (despite the fact that blacks benefit from our country, as imperfect as it is, and choose not to leave to go somewhere else). If a politician is a person of color, you’re not allowed to disagree with their policies and legislation, even if those policies work to keep blacks chronically poor and continue to work to decimate the black family – if I don’t blindly and unquestionably support anti-black legislation being pushed by a politician of color then that means I’m a racist. Heck, we white people aren’t even allowed to try to be “colorblind,” one of the values pushed by Dr. King in his Dream speech, because that apparently is inherently racist as well (talk about slapping Dr. King in the face…). Climate change is inherently racist, and stopping it will end racism, or inversely, global warming will itself end racism – the left can’t make up their minds on this one. We can’t call business owners “owners” anymore because doing so is racist and denotes plantation life (and living in the inner-city social welfare plantations created and pushed by the left isn’t?). If I eat too many tacos or collard greens, that somehow means I’m a racist. Eating fried chicken during black history month is now racist. Eating brownies is racist too, because their color is similar to the skin color of black people. We can’t have police officers or security officers in schools protecting the children, because that’s now racist. Of course, if we let mentally deranged criminals shoot up our schools because there’s no security personnel to stop them, that’s racist as well. Apparently scientists have now discovered that HIV is actually transmitted by…racism.
These are just a few of the outlandish things the political left, through the pseudo-science of problematics, decries as forms of racism. And they keep adding new crazy things to their “arsenal of things to attack as racist.” You better watch out – before you know it, the way you tie your shoes, scratch your head, break wind, or sing in church will be decried as inherently racist as well.
After they attack white people, demanding that they stop doing whatever it is that they claim is racist, and that hype dies down, you’d think the left would stop there. But they don’t. They’re constantly problematizing and picking apart other minute behaviors white people do, claiming them to be the “new racist thing.” The political left will keep picking apart the behaviors of white people, claiming them to be forms of racism, as long as it keeps getting the black vote.
There’s another problem in all of this. Because the political left “cries wolf” so much when it comes to racism, in the rare cases where something actually is racist, many people don’t believe it because they think it’s just more “crying wolf.” I don’t see this as being helpful to the black community, do you?
Only when the black community looks at this whole thing as a charade, and that it only works to tear our country apart, keep blacks subjugated, keeps us from forging ahead into the future, and really hurts the black community the most, and finally stands up with one voice and says “Enough is enough! It’s time move on!” – only then can we move past this “racism is everywhere” mentality. Of course, the best way black people can protest this scheme is with their vote.
4. Trigger Words. The political left keeps adding new words and phrases to their arsenal of “trigger words,” which are words and phrases that those on the political left, especially the black people, are told are inherently racist. These are words that the left are told they shouldn’t say, and need to look out for and make sure other people, especially those on the political right, don’t use.
Where does this way if thinking come from? It originated with postmodern philosopher Michel Foucault, who argued that all words are used by whatever the dominant group is, and that they are used to keep themselves in that place of dominance. According to Foucault, words don’t represent facts or truth, but only represent other words, since, according to postmodernism, there really is no such thing as truth, only cultural constructs meant to keep dominant groups in their place of power.
Critical race theory is one of the subsets of critical theory, which itself is a way of thinking that can be traced back to two things, the Frankfurt School of Marxist thought, and Foucault’s postmodernism. What I am referring to in this article as “trigger words” are words that are considered by proponents of critical race theory as words that keep the dominant group, in this case white people, in power at the expense of black people.
The political right completely disagrees with this notion. They doesn’t see these words and phrases as racist at all. They oppose this strategy on four grounds.
First, they see this scheme as just another ploy by the left to make it appear that racism is everywhere, something done for political expediency. But because the right doesn’t stop using these trigger words, those on the left hear people on the right using these words all the time, and assume that means that “racism is everywhere” and especially among those on the right.
Secondly, they see this as a manipulative scheme meant to cause social upheaval and breakdown, which ultimately hurts everyone, including those in the black community. And if it ultimately hurts everyone, then why do it?
Thirdly, because of this way of thinking by the left, it’s become literally impossible to have any rational dialogue between the two sides, the left and right, because the left refuses to listen to, and try to understand, the political right’s point of view. Every time the political right tries to explain themselves, those on the left aren’t listening to try to understand the thought or idea being conveyed; they’re instead listening closely for certain trigger words that they’ve been taught are racist, that only serve to keep white people in a place of dominance, and when they hear those trigger words, they immediately yell and scream at whomever is speaking, and feign being offended. It looks to be a strategy that serves to convert the loyal opposition into the enemy.
Fourthly, from the standpoint of the right, the whole point of looking for trigger words is about keeping the black community locked into the Democratic party, and that party’s programs and legislation that works to keep blacks, and other minorities, down and oppressed. If blacks were actually listening to the loyal opposition, rather than spending their time picking apart what they’re saying, they’d be like, “Oh yeah! You’re right! That doesn’t help us in the black community at all! We need to stop using these programs pushed by the left that keep us down and oppressed, and break away from dependency on the government!“
In other words, this whole scheme of looking for trigger words is basically a tool by political leaders on the left to manipulate and brainwash their constituency, keep them from finding out the truth about their government programs that they push, and which ultimately hurt the black community, so this scheme works in their favor.
The whole trigger words thing doesn’t stop there; it gives a deep and scathing critique of our language, and other languages, in general.
What do I mean? There are some out there that make the claim that the English language itself is inherently racist, that is, in bed with racism, which seems like a ridiculous argument to me. Even if there really is racist connotations to some phrases in the English language, are you going to try to forcibly make hundreds of millions of people learn a new language that you don’t think is racist? If so, how would we do that?
The truth of the matter is that most languages have words and phrases that originated as derogatory terms for certain groups of people within their culture. These people who push these arguments are invariably the same people who don’t like the fact that Spanish has masculine and feminine words, and are trying to forcibly change things in that language because they think it’s sexist. Seriously, folks, languages in essence are just tools we use to convey thoughts and ideas to each other because, let’s face it, we’re not telepathic. Can we just get back to that understanding, and stop being tripped up by the words people are using to try to convey their thoughts and ideas?
But let’s get back on topic.
The left’s political leadership needs the black vote to stay in power. The whole trigger words scheme by the political left is merely a way to “keep blacks on the Democratic plantation,” because as long as they stay there, the political left will keep their power.
5. Police-hating – So, the way police officers are trained to act when confronting a suspect is highly dependent on how that suspect acts. If the suspect is being cooperative, things work out well. On the other hand, if the suspect acts defiant, belligerent, and fights back, things can get messy as law enforcement tries to subdue the suspect.
Police officers are trained to act and respond a certain way when erratic and disparaging behavior is used by citizens who are being confronted by them. When police act harshly towards someone “having an attitude,” it’s part of their protocol, which is meant to protect themselves from harm.
Their jobs are ultimately about making the neighborhoods they patrol safer by taking dangerous people off the street, including black neighborhoods. This includes trying to find the perpetrators of crimes in order to help bring justice to the victims of those crimes. When police get rough with white people who have an attitude, it barely makes the news. But the rare occasions when police officers get tough with black people with an attitude, or abuse their power, are always magnified, used to convince blacks that “all cops are out to get them,” and that those situations don’t ever happen with anyone else, even though they do. And this false narrative has caused the rise of the Black Lives Matter movement.
And what has this movement done? It’s changed the dynamic between police and the black community – police back off, because they don’t want to be in the next viral video, and this emboldens the more criminally-minded members of the black community, who know that they’re more likely to get away with their murder or other violent crime. It’s no wonder that homicide rates have skyrocketed in already-more-dangerous black neighborhoods in major cities across the nation. The Black Lives Matter movement has quite literally led to tens of thousands of black lives to not matter.
And how does the left portray all of this? More proof of systemic racism. More proof that racism is everywhere.
6. Our left-leaning media keeps doing reports on white supremacists, neo-Nazi’s, and racists, with the false narrative that “Racism is increasing in our country. Racists are everywhere! You better look out! Every white person, and their grandpa, is secretly a racist. You better be suspicious and hostile towards all of them! They’re all out to get you!“
This is despite the fact that racism is, like I said at the beginning of this article, by traditional standards, at an all-time low, and that there’s only trace amounts of racists left in our culture. Racists and white supremacists tend to hide in the woodwork. When Trump got elected as president, our left-leaning media put out the non-stop false narrative that his election was proof that racism is on the rise, which duped white supremacists, like it duped a lot of black people, causing the trace amounts that were left to come out of hiding and be emboldened. That white supremacist march in Charlottesville, Virginia a few years ago was the direct results of our left-leaning media emboldening them.
Imagine if the media didn’t falsely connect Trump’s presidency to a rise in racism. Imagine if the media gave the true reasons why many people vote Republican – because they have a pro-business platform of less taxes and less government control and oversight, and because they support traditional values like the traditional family – all while giving the truth that racism is at an all-time low, although there’s still a few stragglers here and there. Do you think those white supremacists would have been emboldened enough to march? Most likely not.
You can thank the dear “fake news professionals” on the left for pushing this false narrative that emboldened the white supremacists.
7. Consider this narrative told by the political left: “The south has always been a hotbed of racism. In the past, all those racist white people voted for the Democrats. Today, all those racist white people are now Republican. The south is still a hotbed of racism; the racists just all vote Republican now. So, if you’re not a racist, then you need to vote Democratic.“
The idea is that if you look at the south today, it’s predominantly Republican, rather than Democratic, so that’s just another proof that racism is everywhere, especially in the south. If it wasn’t so racist, it would be Democratic, not Republican.
This narrative begs some questions: If the south had not switched to the Republican party, but had remained Democratic, would that mean that all the racists stayed Democrats? Or, if today’s predominantly Republican south switched back to being predominantly Democratic again, would that mean that all the racists switched back to their previous party? If it meant that they stopped being racist by switching back to the same political party their ancestors identified with for racist reasons, how would we in fact know that a change had taken place?
The argument suggests that a transformation has taken place in both the Democratic and Republican parties. According to this narrative, the Republican party, once the party that fought against racism, and for black rights, has transformed into the party of racism and white supremacy. And the Democratic party, once the party of racism, and of subjugating the black people, has transformed into the party that fights against racism. But if you look at the arguments for this narrative, all of which are pushed very strongly by the political left, there is nothing to this narrative.
As for why African Americans switched from the Republican to the Democratic party, I go into more detail as to why this happened in the article Here is the Real Reason Why African Americans are Democrats Today. Here’s a little hint – the switch was not about the Civil Rights Movement, which the Republicans were more supportive of, nor was it about what leftist historians refer to as Nixon’s southern strategy, which is not based on fact. That switch took place decades earlier during the first half of the Great Depression. You can read all about it in my article.
As for why the American South became prodominantly Republican, I go into more detail about this subject in the article The Real Reason the American South Became Predominatly Republican. Of course, I can sum it up like this:
As the south became less racist, it became more Republican. The rise of the Republican party in today’s American south is directly related to the decline in racism.
White people in the south switched to the Republican party for economic reasons, the very same reason why most African Americans switched to the Democratic party back in the 1930’s – there’s nothing sinister to it. (Of course, this time the switch was voluntary rather than forced, but you’ll have to read my article about this subject to find out more.)
If you’re black, and you understood the real reason behind the south switching to the Republican party, you would know that the former hotbed of racism in our country has been successfully moving past racism. It should put a big smile across your face, and you should be jumping up and down in pure joy, knowing that things are better for you now than they’ve ever been.
In Conclusion
The trace amounts of racism that are left in society continue to get smaller by the year. Unfortunately, the Democratic party is so desperate these days for the black vote that they’ll do basically anything to keep the blacks locked in – they do this by creating false narratives that racism is everywhere; they do this by using false proofs that we can see racism in every little nook and cranny of our country and its language; they do it by making blacks chronically dependent on their social welfare programs; and they do it by looking at the disparities caused by their social welfare programs and claiming those disparities as proof of “structural racism.”
So, I just gave you seven different primary ways that the political left, the Democrats, the progressives, use to try to convince you of the false narrative of rampant racism in our country. I’ve tried to explain to you why these claims are false. I gave you the reasons behind these claims. I explained why even our help is chastised. In reality, calling everything, including the Republicans, racist, is nothing more than an ad hominem attack.
But, in reality, you should put your mind at ease knowing that our country – like the American south – has successfully been moving past racism. Yes, there’s still some racists out there, but they are getting harder and harder to come by. There’s a brighter future ahead for those of you who are black, or another person of color. Don’t listen to the lies of the left – they’re just practicing fearmongery and gaslighting for their own political benefit, and at your expense. Don’t let them get to you.
And please note that I, as always, speak with love. My hearth aches for you, and I’m just sick and tired of the political left’s sinister schemes that hurt you. They’ve been using the politics of destruction for far too long, and it needs to end. It needs to end now.