There is a big lie, a big deception, a false narrative, told by the political left today. That false narrative goes something like this:
“The south has always been a hotbed of racism. In the past, all those racist white people voted for the Democrats. Today, all those racist white people are now Republican. The south is still a hotbed of racism; the racists just all vote Republican now. So, if you’re not a racist, then you need to vote Democratic because they’re now the party that fights against racism.“
The idea is that if you look at the south today, it’s predominantly Republican, rather than Democratic, so that’s just another proof that racism is everywhere, especially in the south. If it wasn’t so racist, it would be Democratic, not Republican. Besides, it’s the Democratic party that fights against racism these days, not the Republicans, who are now the party of racism. At least that’s the idea that the political left, and the Democratic party which represents them, would have you believe.
Let me make this very clear to you now – this whole idea is based on a false narrative. Of course, this narrative begs some questions: If the south had not switched to the Republican party, but had remained Democratic, would that mean that all the racists stayed Democrats? Or, if today’s predominantly Republican south switched back to being predominantly Democratic again, would that mean that all the racists switched back to their previous party? If it meant that they stopped being racist by switching back to the same political party their ancestors identified with for racist reasons, how would we in fact know that a change had taken place?
The idea presented in this false narrative is that a transformation has taken place in both the Democratic and Republican parties. The Republican party switched from fighting against racism, and for black rights, to become the party of racism, and of subjugating the black people. The Democratic party, so they say, evolved and changed to become the party that stands against racism instead of for it, which their predecessors did.
Do we have any evidence that the Republican party ever stopped being the party that fought for black rights? We do not. Do we have any evidence that a transformation took place in the Democratic party? We absolutely do not. The Democratic party was the party of racism, segregation, and the KKK well into the 1960’s. Yes, many Democrats in the house voted to support the Civil Rights bills, including the Voting Rights Act, but a higher percentage of Republican lawmakers voted in support of that legislation than the Democrats.
Republicans voted for this legislation for obvious reasons. Their party was originally formed as a coalition of anti-slavery groups that wanted to unite and work together to more quickly bring an end to slavery of blacks. During our Civil War, the northern states, controlled by the anti-slavery Republicans, were fighting against the south, controlled by the pro-slavery Democrats. More than 300,000 white people shed their blood and died for that Republican cause, a cause that brought emancipation to black slaves. It was the Republicans that fought for the passage of the 13th, 14th, and 15th amendments, which abolished slavery, made blacks American citizens, gave blacks equal protection under the law, and gave blacks the right to vote, all of which represent the first Civil Rights Movement upon which the later mid-20th-century Civil Rights Movement is built upon. All the while the Democrats were fighting tooth and nail to try to block these amendments from being passed. It was the Republicans that tried to stop the Democratic South’s passage of Jim Crow laws and the infamous Black Codes, which they failed to do because the Democrat-controlled Supreme Court ruled in favor of the southern states.
Now compare this to the Democratic party. They were the pro-slavery party before our Civil War, the party that tried to preserve slavery by trying to secede from the Union, leading to our Civil War. They were the party that brought Jim Crow laws and the Black Codes. They were the party of racism, white supremacy, segregation, and the KKK. And then, according to the left’s narrative, they suddenly switched, just like that, to being anti-racist?
But how could this be? There’s no proof of any transformation of the Democratic party going from being the party of racism to becoming the party that fights against it. There’s no documentation to back up their claims, that shows in detail this supposed transformational process. We’re supposed to just blindly take their word for it that it happened.
And, while the Democratic party makes the claim that they now stand and fight against the racism of black people, they continue pushing programs and policies that are based on the philosophy that black people are inferior, and which make blacks more impoverished, work to destroy the black community, have decimated the black family, and worsen the amount of systemic racism in our country – all of which suggests that the Democratic party never did change to become a party that stands and fights against racism. Everything only suggests that they changed their tactics – they push their programs and policies as good for the black people, even though more than half a century of evidence and data makes it very clear that they are destructive towards, and do nothing to build up, the black community. Maybe – and this is how I look at the situation – the oppressors are only deceiving the oppressed into supporting policies that are, in reality, bad for them and work towards their destruction.
So, I’m making the claim that the Democratic party never switched to being the party that now fights against racism, and that they only changed their tactics, pushing things as good for the black community, even though those things are destructive of the black community. Along a similar line of reasoning, I’m going to also argue that the Republican party never switched from being the party that fights against racism into the party that protects racism. They’ve always been opposed to racism, and their stance now – like it’s always been – has been to treat black people as their equals – that means they are looked at as the same under the law, the same in God’s eyes, and have the same opportunities for success and prosperity as white people.
The Republicans will see to that, and will fight for that. What the Republican party will NOT do is to treat black people as if they are less capable than white people – a form of white supremacy – and base policies and laws on that philosophy, such as today’s anti-racism stance does. It is the Democrats who today, like they’ve always done, base their programs, policies, and laws on that philosophy of black inferiority, not the Republicans.
Okay, so how did the south become predominantly Republican? The south has a long history of racism, of white supremacy, and now most of those white people are Republican. Doesn’t that suggest that the racists switched to the Republican party? Actually, it doesn’t.
Now, with all of this being said, let’s give a more honest narrative about why the south became predominantly Republican.
A True Narrative of Why the American South is Today Predominantly Republican
Have you ever watched the movie The Best of Enemies? In this movie (spoiler alert!), C.P. Ellis was a KKK member in North Carolina – in fact, he was the “Exalted Cyclops” of his chapter of the white supremacist organization. By the end of the movie, he was a changed man – he no longer thought that whites were superior to blacks, but that they were his equal. He even ripped up his KKK membership card as he voted in favor of school integration in Durham, North Carolina.
His story of changing from a racist and white supremacist to a person that looked at blacks as his equal is only one story, but the change he went through is a representation of something that happened to millions, that is, tens of millions, of white people throughout the south. Over time, more and more and more white people changed, and stopped being racist. Over time, less and less people were found to be racist, and hold white supremacist mentalities. A transformational process was taking place in the American south, which still continues to this very day.
And as these people changed, they no longer needed to vote for the Democratic party, which they voted for primarily to keep whites in power and suppress the black people. They were now free to cast their votes for other reasons, most importantly, their own economic betterment. And when they thought of their own economic well-being, they realized the Republican pro-business platform of lower taxes and smaller government was better for them than the Democratic party’s platform of higher taxes, more regulations, and bigger government with more control over their lives.
Besides, many of them were Christians, and looked at the pro-traditional family values that the Republican party stood for as being more in line with their Christian and family values than what the Democrats stood for. So, as these people abandoned racism, they embraced the Republican party.
To make a long story short, as the south became less racist, it became more Republican. The rise of the Republican party in today’s American south is directly related to the decline in racism.
If you are an African American, you should look at the rise of the Republican party in America’s south as something that proves that racism is shrinking, and that we are as a nation overcoming this past evil in our society. Does racism still exist? Yes, it does, but it’s a lot smaller, and much weaker, in its power than it ever was before, and it continues to shrink and become even weaker as time moves on.
Today it is a minute fraction of what it used to be. Black people should be jumping up and down in joy, knowing that we are overcoming racism in our country, but instead, they are freaking out. Why? Because the Democratic party – a party with a long history of racism, of subjugating blacks, and of black oppression, and which continues to work towards their demise even today – is telling black people that racism is on the rise, all while simultaneously working to continue their destruction to the black community and family. And they’re doing it for no other reason than to secure the black vote – something they’ve been using to stay in power since the 1930’s.
As I’ve said, white people in the south switched to the Republican party for economic reasons. This happens to be the very same reason why most African Americans switched to the Democratic party back in the 1930’s – the big switch of African Americans to the Democratic party had nothing to do with the Civil Rights Movement of the 1950’s and ’60’s, or Nixon’s supposed southern strategy of the late 1960’s, false narratives being pushed even today by our political left, but that big switch took place decades before those events, during the first half of the Great Depression, at a time when the Democratic party was still very strongly the party of racism, of white supremacy, of Jim Crow laws and the Black Codes, of segregation, of lynchings, and of the KKK.
Obviously, the black community didn’t switch to the Democratic party to fight against racism, but in spite of the party’s racism. And I’m telling you that switch was for economic reasons, not civil rights reasons or anti-racism reasons. Most people, especially those of you in the black community, have completely forgotten the real reasons your forebears in your community switched to the Democratic party, so you go along and believe the false narratives told by the Democratic party, narratives meant to keep you from finding the truth, and keep you contained inside their party. But I am here to make sure that you do find out the truth – I go into detail about this switch, and why it happened, in my article Here is the Real Reason Why African Americans are Democrats Today.