In terms of our technical abilities to control the weather, the general public really doesn’t know how much control of the weather we humans really have.
I know this idea sounds crazy to some of you reading this right now, but let me share a couple of experiences with you that make me question this whole idea.
Instant Cloud Cover
Several years ago, I was driving early in the morning in east-central Indiana. I was on a state highway heading towards the town of Berne for an early morning freight pick-up. Now keep in mind that it was daylight out, but the sun had not yet come up over the horizon. I was looking all around me enjoying how beautiful the morning sky was – it was a clear blue sky with no clouds in sight except for a very few clouds right on the eastern horizon. When I looked in my left and right side-mirrors to see what the sky looked like behind me, all I saw was even more beautiful clear blue sky. As I was looking around and enjoying this beautiful clear blue sky, something happened that completely mystified me.
I was looking up at the sky, and right before my eyes, in about five seconds flat, (cue the sound effects…) “whfffft,” the entire clear blue sky became entirely overcast. Now I’m not a meteorologist, but I know a sky can’t go from completely clear to completely overcast that fast naturally – it just doesn’t happen that way. And I know I’m not crazy. I know what I saw.
Over the next several minutes, I continued looking at the completely overcast sky, contemplating what could have caused it to transform from clear to overcast so freakishly fast, and as I was looking at the sky, the same thing happened again in reverse, and, “whfffft,” the sky went back to being completely clear blue again in about five seconds flat.
Now when I see something like that happen, it makes me seriously question whether our government, or some government, or some classified organization somewhere, has the capabilities to manipulate and control our weather and climate. But this wasn’t the only time I experienced something strange when it came to the weather.
Someone’s Shaking My Bed!
There was another time, some years before I got married to my lovely sweetheart of a wife, that I was asleep alone in my bed, and I was awoken out of a deep sleep by something unexpected. While I was in my deep sleep, I started waking up because my bed was shaking – I had the distinct impression that someone was at the foot of my bed, had a hold of it, and was shaking it. I don’t know about you, but when I get the impression that someone else is in my house when I’m supposed to be alone, it freaks me out and I start waking up really quickly. And when I woke up completely, what did I discover?
There was a thunderstorm going on outside my home, and the thunder was so loud and powerful that it was shaking my house and literally making my bed move! Now it’s true that thunder can be powerful enough to rattle an entire house, but this was unlike anything I had experienced before, or have experienced since.
There was something else different about this thunderstorm too. If you think back to the thunderstorms that you’ve experienced, you probably remember what thunder sounds like, and how often thunder claps and booms occur – it’s usually about one boom or clap every 4-12 seconds, if not longer in between each occurrence of thunder, and some of those booms are louder, being really close, while others are softer, being farther away. What I experienced this particular night – I’m not making this up – was powerful booms of thunder that took place so frequently that I counted 2-4 booms per second, and all of them sounded super-close! And this kept going on for several minutes until the thunder died down. The next morning, I turned on the news on my television and the meteorologist reported that the night before there was several hundred lightning strikes, especially on the south side of Indianapolis where I lived, which verified what I had experienced. (I haven’t had the time to research to see if I can find an archive recording of that news program that day, nor would I know where to begin such an endeavor.)
I know from memories of previous experiences with thunderstorms that what I experienced that night was no normal thing. Nor did it appear natural. My experience that night made me consider the possibility that someone, or some organization or government somewhere, was projecting large amounts of energy into our atmosphere, maybe as some kind of experiment, and the excess lightning was nature’s way of dissipating that excess energy. If that is the case, then this is another piece of experiential evidence (to me) that we humans have the capability to control our weather and our climate.
Adding It All Up
Now keep in mind, if our government, or any government in the world, has the capabilities to play with our weather in the ways I just described, do you think they would inform us and let us know? Absolutely not! I have no doubt that such technology, if it exists, would be kept classified and kept from public knowledge, whether for the sake of national security, or some other similar reason. They would blatantly deny they had such a powerful technology, and label anyone who suggested such a thing as a crazy, wacko, conspiracy-theory nut-job.
Of course, if this technology does exist, it begs another question – could powerful people be using this technology to artificially create more powerful weather events to try and convince us that man-made global warming and climate change is in fact happening, and using these artificially-created events as an alarmist strategy to scare us into giving up our rights and freedoms, and yield to more government control of our lives, like I talked about in other articles about climate change and the environment?
What I’m talking about is increasing totalitarianism. Human history is chock-full of powerful political leaders creating events to be able to take more control – we humans have a tendency that when we get into positions of power, to abuse that power, and crave more power, and manipulate people into giving us more power. People with lots of power are always greedy for more power, just like people with lots of money tend to be greedy for more money. That’s something for which we definitely need to keep our eyes open.
Perhaps the opposite is true, in that climate change is actually way, way worse than we actually think, and if it wasn’t controlled, our sea levels would be much higher and our coastal cities all over the world would be underwater, and so governments around the world have been using secretive technology in classified programs to keep our planet from warming up even more, because they know that if we did nothing it could cause social instability and the collapse of our civilization.
So, if this technology exists, it poses a particular question: Is it being used to scare us into accepting increasing totalitarianism by the state, or is it being used to protect us? I could kind of go either way with this whole thing. Of course, it kind of gives a whole new meaning to the term human-made climate change, doesn’t it?
Yeah, yeah, I know what you’re thinking. I know this whole argument delves into the realm of conspiracy theories, but it really did need to be discussed.