Back in the 1920’s, Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood, had a plan. As a proponent and supporter of the then-popular eugenics movement, she believed that humans could control their biological destiny, and control their own evolutionary process. She believed that we, as humans, could improve our biology, becoming stronger and smarter and better looking through successive generations. And what did eugenicists believe was the best way to move humanity forward? To slowly reduce the percentage of the population that they thought was “unfit” and “defective,” and maximize the population that they thought was the most fit – the best looking, the smartest and strongest.
Sanger makes this claim in her book entitled Woman and the New Race (Eugenics Publishing Company, 1923), where she says that “Birth control itself, often denounced as a violation of natural law, is nothing more or less than the facilitation of the process of weeding out the unfit, of preventing the birth of defectives or of those who will become defectives” (p. 229). Thus, she described her philosophy about the relationship between eugenics and birth control to slowly “evolve” the human population by weeding out those who she considered to be the “unfit” and “defectives.”
And who did the eugenicists, like Sanger, believe were the “unfit” and “defectives”? People of color – anyone that wasn’t white. She believed whites were the most fit, the most intelligent, and the best looking, and everyone else had to go. White supremacy, anyone?
Inherent in this eugenics plan was reducing the black population. Eugenicists wanted to slowly reduce the percentage of the population that was black, so that, over time, it became a smaller and smaller percentage of the whole, until the black population was so miniscule that it basically didn’t exist.
She wanted to use birth control and sterilization on the black population, whom she considered to be “defective” and “unfit,” so that they would be less likely to reproduce. That way, their population could become smaller and smaller over time.
Do you think this whole scheme sounds racist? Does it sound anti-black to you? Does it sound like some form of white supremacy? Because it does to me!
If you don’t think it sounds racist yet, then let me share a story with you. In the 1930’s, Margaret Sanger gave a talk to a large gathering of white women in Silver Lake, New Jersey – these women were part of the women’s chapter of the Ku Klux Klan. In her talk, she explained how she was going to use birth control and sterilization to reduce black reproduction rates, and thus the black population. Her talk went over quite well, and she got their approval. In fact, from that speaking engagement, she got a dozen or so invitations to speak at other similar groups.
The fact that she got KKK approval for her plan should be all the evidence that you need to recognize the inherent racism in her plan.
Getting Black Support
Sanger also knew that her plan to reduce the black population using birth control and sterilization would never work unless she got the black community on board, too. Of course, that begs the question – How do you get the black community to support a plan that is inherently anti-black and white supremacist?
This is where we refer back to the question at the beginning of this article. She did it by deceiving them into thinking her plan was good for them.
What she did is she hired some black clergymen who would work for her, and go around convincing the black community of how good her plan was to them. Obviously, she would have needed to “spin” her plan to the black clergy in order to schyster them, trick them, con them into being on board with her plan.
Sanger wrote a letter to a Dr. Gamble, dated December 10, 1939, where she says: “We do not want the word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro [sic] population and the minister is the man who can straighten that idea out if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members.”
Her sinister plan worked. Before she knew it, there were many people in the black community that were supporters of her plan.
Think about this in terms of how I worded the question at the beginning of this article – the oppressors – the white supremacists – had successfully deceived the oppressed – the black community – into supporting a program whose policies worked to destroy the oppressed. I can imagine that if you were a white person who cared about the black people, and who saw through the lies to see Sanger’s plan for what it really was, and tried to speak out against it, that you would be frowned upon – maybe even attacked – by members of the black community who were duped into supporting her plan.
An Understanding
Here we have a bona fide example, a historical precedent, where the oppressors deceived the oppressed into supporting practices and policies that worked to destroy themselves as the oppressed. And this happened to the black community by white supremacists.
Given the fact that this actually happened, that we have a historical precedent of this happening, if you are a member of the black community, you should see the lesson here – that you shouldn’t just blindly accept and support all programs, policies, and movements that are touted as “looking out for the black community.” Just because a program or movement makes the claim that it’s looking out for black rights, or for the well-being of members of the black community, or fighting against racism, does not mean that it is actually doing those things. It could very well be a con, a deception, meant to trick black people into working towards their own demise, just like Sanger did in the 1930’s.
Given this precedent, we can ask if this has happened at other times since then, where the black community has been tricked into supporting policies and programs that work towards their demise, not towards building them up. And when we ask this question, what do we discover?
Social Welfare
Take our social welfare programs. They have, since their inception in the 1960’s, been pushed on the black people as a form of “racial justice,” and as part of a “war on poverty.” The black community has been told that these programs will help reduce poverty in the black community, and work to end systemic racism, thus working hard to bring justice to the black people.
Since then, we’ve had over half a century of data to determine whether the claims made by social welfare’s proponents are true or not. And what does the data tell us?
1. From the late 1940’s to the inception of our social welfare programs, our nation’s poverty rate dropped from 39 percent to 17 percent. Once our welfare programs came into line, the poverty rate stopped falling, and basically flatlined, staying between 15 and 17 percent. Theoretically, if we hadn’t started our social welfare programs, our nation’s poverty rate would have dropped to a natural low of 1-3 percent, but our welfare programs kept that rate artificially high. In other words, our social welfare programs didn’t help to eradicate poverty, but we’ve spent $20 trillion to keep it artificially high – with no success in lowering it.
2. While the average poverty rate stayed the same, the latent poverty rate increased inside the black community. So, these programs did nothing to reduce the black poverty rate, but made poverty worse for the black community.
3. When these programs started, 75 percent of black youth came from intact nuclear families, but the perverse incentive structure of these programs changed this dynamic inside the black community. Today 65-75 percent of black youth are raised by single parents. That means that our social welfare programs have been largely responsible for the destruction of the black nuclear family. Any program that works to destroy the black family is really working to destroy the black community. We need strong nuclear families to be the backbone of the black community in order to have a thriving, vibrant, prosperous black community – if you don’t, you won’t have it. If you don’t think so, then read number 4 below.
4. Because of these changes in the dynamics of the black community, especially number 3 above about the destruction of the black nuclear family, it has been responsible for taking all the disparities, found within the label of systemic racism, that were already present in the black community, and making them worse. It’s exacerbated and magnified all of those disparities. It has not worked to reduce those disparities, as part of an ultimate push to eliminate them entirely, but has made those disparities worse. If our social welfare programs had not come into line, the black community would not today be complaining about these disparities in the black community; they would be celebrating because these disparities would have, for the most part, disappeared by the present day.
Obviously, and this is how many of us see our social welfare programs – these programs, touted as being good for the black community, have been utterly destructive to that community. Blacks have been deceived into supporting a scheme that works to destroy themselves. And who were the people that pushed this setup on black people? The left, the progressives, the Democratic party – the same people that have a long history of racism, of subjugating blacks, of perpetrating one evil after another on the black people. The same leftist that were the pro-eugenics party back in Sanger’s day. They give the argument that, “Yes, we were the party of racism against the blacks, but we’ve changed. We’ve switched – we’re now the party that fights against racism.“
Have they changed like they claim they have? It does not appear that they have. The same party – the same people – that has a long history of racism, of subjugating the black people, continues working to keep down and destroy the black community. The only difference is that in the last half century they’ve only gotten more successful – by deceiving the black people into supporting schemes that are really meant to destroy them – hence, the question at the beginning of this article.
Think about this: despite the fact that our black community has been told over and over again how good our social welfare programs are for the black community, these programs have been more successful at destroying the black community than the Ku Klux Klan ever was in their heyday. But recently, in the last several years, things have only gotten worse as a new movement has been unleashed on the black community, and the rest of us, that is many times more destructive to the black community than even our social welfare programs have been.
The Black Lives Matter Movement
The philosophy supposedly at the core of the Black Lives Matter movement is this: “Black lives really do matter. And we need to make sure that not even one black life is lost, because ALL black lives matter.“
When George Floyd was killed by having the knee of a police officer on his throat in Minnesota near the end of May 2020, it seemed the whole world was outraged, but none more so than the members of the black community. His death triggered protests all over the United States, as well as other parts of the free world. In many cases, these protests became violent and destructive, and property destruction took place on a scale unseen in recent years, so much so that central business districts in many of America’s largest cities were boarded up to try to protect against further property damage and destruction.
Although the Black Lives Matter movement has been around for several years already, they ended up getting a significant boost in moral, social, political, and financial support because of these protests. You find big corporations these days showing their solidarity with BLM as a form of “virtue signaling,” and because they don’t want to get on BLM’s bad side, and be legally or financially attacked by their “doxing” schemes.
But, there’s a lot of people who care about and love the black people who don’t support the BLM movement. Why? Because they see the kinds of policies they stand for, and come to a startling and frightening conclusion: the Black Lives Matter movement is many, many times more destructive to the black community than the Ku Klux Klan could have ever dreamed of being. In fact, like I said, it’s more destructive than even our social welfare programs have been.
Let me give you a few examples:
Hate the Police!
The anti-police mindset of BLM has caused the police to back off in the black community, causing violent crimes and homicides to skyrocket. It’s caused tens of thousands of black lives to not matter. And since those protests in late May of 2020, the homicide rates across the country in the black community have gotten much, much worse. How is that not destructive to the black community?
Many of us don’t see the police as the oppressors, but the criminally-minded and violently-minded members of the black community as the real oppressors, whom the police are trying to stop. The first article in this series addresses this issue: What if the group you think are the oppressors are not the actual oppressors?
Disrupting the Nuclear Family
It’s important to make sure that we have strong nuclear family structures. They are the bedrock of our civilization. Destroying the family structure will lead to the erosion and decay of our society, and our nation. And this mindset also holds true of the black community – strong families make up the backbone for a strong and vibrant and prosperous black community – destroy the black family and you destroy the black community.
But the BLM movement seems to be anti-family. Until recently, Black Lives Matter‘s official website had a “What We Believe” page (used to be found at: https://blacklivesmatter.com/what-we-believe/) that affirmed the anti-family stance of our social welfare programs, thus making that stand official BLM policy. They claimed that the nuclear family was a “Western-prescribed…structure” that they believed is bad for black people, which couldn’t be further from the truth.
When perusing the Black Lives Matter website, you get the distinct impression that it is pro-Marxist. One of it’s cofounders said that its leaders were “Marxist trained.” You find Marxist rhetoric and wording all over their website, using words like “comrade.” They vilify capitalism, and seek to replace it with Marxist-inspired socialism. They view things through the lens of Critical Theory, which itself is Marxist-inspired.
But when we look at the history of Marxism in practice throughout the twentieth century, we discover that it was a very oppressive type of social, political, and economic system compared to all other types of setups. Black Lives Matter apparently thinks that the best way to fight oppression towards the black community is to turn our government into an oppressive regime that is oppressive to everyone equally, including blacks. But that will do absolutely nothing to stop oppression, and will only serve to make things worse!
The BLM movement really doesn’t seem to be about black lives mattering, but is playing into our country’s racial issues and injustices – ones that we still struggle with as a nation – to trick us into supporting Marxism. In fact, we’re told that if we don’t go that route, then we’re racists who hate black people, even though nothing could be further from the truth.
This brings us back to the question we asked at the beginning of the article:
What if the oppressed are being deceived by their oppressors into supporting practices and policies that work to destroy the oppressed?
I talked about Margaret Sanger, and her efforts to convince the black people to support a scheme that worked towards their demise. I talked about how this story is a precedent for something that continues to happen to African Americans, to this very day. I talked about how our social welfare programs have been destructive to the black community and family, and how the Black Lives Matter movement’s anti-police, anti-family, and pro-Marxist stance has, and will continue to be, more destructive to the black community than the Ku Klux Klan could have ever dreamed of being. And they get away with it because they deceive the black community into believing that they are good for them, even though they are not.
Maybe it’s time that you – especially those of you in the black community – open your eyes, practice that Creator-endowed right of discernment, looking at these programs, movements, and schemes, through a critical eye, just to make sure you’re not being deceived by your oppressors into supporting practices and policies that work to destroy you.
And while you’re at it, you can start with Critical Theory itself.