There are many people that think our country would be even better if our government got even bigger, and had more control over our lives. Many of these people lean politically to the left, and call themselves progressives, since they think bigger government with more and more control of our lives would be real progress.
The problem is, if you’re a person of reason, you’d have to conclude, beyond a reasonable doubt, based on the preponderance of the evidence, that there’s nothing about big government that’s in our best interest as people. It gets in the way of our freedoms. It hinders progress rather than helps us.
There are eight reasons that make big government bad for us. What are they? Here they are:
1. Big government puts a big burden on the economy and thus hinders our economic growth and prosperity.
2. By supporting a larger and larger government, you are, in reality supporting the process of eroding our freedoms and liberties, while allowing the process of enslavement to take place, leading to tyranny.
3. The larger the government is, the more likely you are of being the victim of corruption and abuse of power. You can minimize potential abuse of power and corruption by minimizing the size of government.
4. The massive strain a big government puts on our resources makes it clear that it is bad for the environment.
5. We can maximize wealth-creation and prosperity, and minimize resource use, by maximizing the size of the private sector and minimizing the size of the government. That is how we get the most “bang for our buck.”
6. Increasing the size of government by making competitive for-profit businesses merge together into a single monopoly, and then nationalizing that monopoly so that it becomes a bureaucracy of the government, in reality, works against our well-being, not for it.
7. The impact of big government on everyone is so negative that it becomes anti-everybody. If this is the case, then you might as well call it a form of bigotry against literally everyone.
8. And, finally…a thorough analysis of historical fascism in Europe reveals that today’s proponents of big government are pushing for all the elements of what historically would have been defined as fascism. Because of that, big government, to many of us, represents fascism.
Please take the time to read these eight articles to understand how us conservatives think. It will help you to understand how we think.