To put it another way:
The larger the government, the more power and control it has over you, and the less freedom and control you are allowed to have over your own life. The propensity for it to evolve into something oppressive and totalitarian is very high.
I want you to ask yourself: “What is the difference between freedom and slavery? And what is the difference between freedom and tyranny?“
A slave is someone who does not have control over their own life. They are not free to make the big or small choices and decisions that a person makes throughout the course of their life the way that they would if they were free people. Someone else controls all the major and minor aspects of their lives. They have little say over what they can or cannot do. That is what makes them a slave.
Now I want you to think about something – when a government is small, and has limited power, that means that they have little control over the big and small choices that you make over the course of your life – this means that you have a large amount of freedom. Any control they have over your life is kept to the basic minimum, and is really about protecting your basic human and property rights against those who might threaten to take them away, and nothing more.
As government grows and gets larger and larger, it exercises more and more control over your life. You have less and less control over the choices you make that determine the different directions you could take your life, and other people (who are not you), such as government bureaucrats and politicians, make more and more of those choices for you. You end up having less and less control over your life.
In other words, the process of increasing the size of government is, in reality, the process of enslavement of the entire population of the country under that government, which acts like the slavemaster. You aren’t a complete slave yet, but you are in the process of becoming more enslaved, to a distant master, every day.
Enslavement – noun – The action of making someone a slave; subjugation.
(definition from Oxford University Press and Dictionary.com)
If you were being honest with yourself, you would have to admit that the opposite of a small, limited government, with limited control over your life, is a large tyrannical, totalitarianist government with complete control over all aspects of your life. Growing the size of government is moving us towards tyranny and totalitarianism, and away from freedom and liberty.
So, why would you want to support bigger government when all you are supporting is the process of enslavement, the process of making us more enslaved and less free? All that does is lead us towards tyranny. Why do people that call themselves progressives support this? How is that progress for the human race? It’s not! It’s exactly the opposite!
SIDE NOTE: It’s interesting to note that much of the African American community, most of whom are the descendants of former slaves, are completely on board with a big, oversized government with lots of control over our lives, meaning that they are supportive of the process of enslavement that’s going on, only under the auspices of a new slavemaster that lives in a distant big white plantation house. And then they tell us white people that if we aren’t on board with that plan that we are being racist. And their ancestors, who were finally emancipated after generations of living in slavery, must be rolling over in their graves…
Lesson learned:
As government grows, it becomes increasingly oppressive and totalitarianist. It becomes a tyranny. It is impossible to have a large government that is not in some way oppressive towards its own citizens.
So, stop supporting big government.