From the webmaster:
Welcome to Case for Conservatism!
Perhaps you’re politically conservative already, and you’re just trying to understand the underlying thought process behind the conservative mindset to put it into words. Perhaps you identify as progressive or leftist and you’re trying to figure out just what makes your political opponents tick rather than just vilify them. Or maybe you’re independent, a swing voter, and you just want to understand the conservative mindset, the policy platforms and ways of thinking behind that mindset, and use that to make a well-balanced comparison with other political viewpoints.
Whatever the case is, you’ve come to the right place! We’ll help you to better understand the logic behind conservatism, and hopefully persuade you along the way.
The 2016 Election
The election of Trump as president in November 2016, and the way his political opponents have been reacting since his election, have been an impetus for me to look more deeply into the political sphere.
Although I didn’t originally care all that much for Trump, the attacks of the political left have left me sympathizing with him. It’s left me asking questions. I’ve researched the histories of the two major political parties of my nation, and looked at their policy platforms, and in almost all occurrences, the Republicans, representing the conservative mindset, although not perfect themselves, come out on top, and the Democrats look more and more reprobate and sinister, stooping sometimes to outright lying and deception to manipulate people their way.
I started out as an independent, a swing voter, who didn’t vote for Trump or Mrs. Clinton, but I find I am presently repulsed by the political left’s behavior, and don’t ever want to vote for them again. Besides, my belief in classical liberal values seems to be more akin to what today’s conservatives stand for, represented by today’s Republicans, rather than today’s leftists and progressives, represented by today’s Democrats, who seem to be moving in the opposite direction, and working to destroy those core Western values. They even go so far as to say that Western civilization needs to be destroyed and replaced with something akin to Marxism – something that has caused widespread oppression, has destroyed the material well-being of billions throughout the world and caused tens of millions of deaths – and that’s just in the twentieth century. That’s the route those of you on the left want to go?
It’s for those of you who are progressive and leftist – those who disagree with us – that many of these articles are written for. If you’re going to vilify those of us that lean to the right, and call ourselves conservative, I want you to take the time and try to understand our way of thinking first. Maybe it will help you to get rid of some of your hate (I’m not kidding!!!), and alleviate the division in our country that you, not us, are causing.
If you’re not from the United States, go ahead and read the articles on this website, too, because you’ll still learn some interesting things.
Fascism or Socialism? Guilty or Innocent?
People on today’s left attack conservatives as fascist, and believe that the best way to fight it is by pushing policies that are in fact socialist (think AOC and Sanders). They look at socialism as the opposite end of the political spectrum from fascism. The problem, though, is that fascism is a form of socialism (NAZI was an acronym for what in English would be the National Socialist German Worker’s Party), just like communism is also a form of socialism (Soviet Union – USSR – Union of Soviet Socialist Republics). If fascism is in fact a form of socialism, how can it be at the opposite end of the political spectrum? It can’t!
The people on the political left who vilify the United States, seeing it as oppressive, built entirely on the backs of black slaves and oppressed and mistreated workers, get their cues from Howard Zinn’s A People’s History of the United States. AOC, and the rest of what is known as “The Squad” are some of these people. Seriously, listen to their rhetoric – it’s straight out of A People’s History. Heck, some leftist politicians have sworn their oath of office on this notorious book rather than the Bible or Koran. If Zinn is the prosecution, making the claim that “America is guilty,” then Mary Grabar’s Debunking Howard Zinn is the defense, declaring that “America is not guilty.” If you were in the jury, after looking at the arguments, you would have to conclude beyond a reasonable doubt that America is not only not guilty, but innocent on all charges. Zinn is the historian’s equivalent of medical malpractice.
Please take the time to read the articles on this website. You’ll be glad you did.
Thank you for your time.